Fangirl time, aka “YESASIA SELLS DOUJINSHI!”

May 20, 2008

Now, as I bet most people reading this blog don’t know, I’m a huge yaoi fan. xD Mostly Prince of Tennis yaoi, but I’m starting to get into other actual yaoi manga (as opposed to doujinshi/fanfics). My favorite Prince of Tennis doujinshi artist is Kodaka Kazuma, a professional yaoi mangaka that just happens to write PoT yaoi also. <33 I love her art, it’s really great when it’s serious and really adorable when it’s chibis. I love her stories too! She just so happens to write doujinshi for my FAVORITE pairing, the golden pair, and I own her golden pair anthology called Darling. I also own her hilarious comedy doujinshi Seishun gakuen Paradise, with lots of mini stories including yaoi sex ed, a school festival, evil!Fuji…
According to Wikipedia, Kodaka Kazuma’s manga Kizuna was one of the first and most popular yaoi manga. I still think it’s so cool that she does PoT doujinshi too~
So anyway! I was on Yesasia, looking for Kizuna volumes, because I’ve been thinking about reading it and apparently the English version is totally censored. My search was pretty unsuccessful (I only found Chinese versions), but it lead me to an amazing finding!
Read the rest of this entry »

New CDs from Yesasia

March 16, 2008

I got home from the Dominican Republic at like 2 am last night, but instead of sleep, the first thing that crossed my mind when I got inside the house was “Where’s my Yesasia package??” xD

I ordered:
Buono! – Cafe Buono! (limited edition)
Buono! – Renai Rider (limited edition)
Inui Sadaharu – DISTANCE (limited release) (re-release)
Hyoutei Eternity – Fujouri (limited release) (re-release)
3 Guava Trio – BRAND NEW DAY (limited release) (re-release)
Kai Yuujirou – Valentine Kiss (limited release)
Echizen Ryouma – future / WHITE LINE arrange C (limited release) (re-release)

Read the rest of this entry »

I can’t spend this much money, dammit!

January 23, 2008

Only like two weeks after I purchased $95 of CDs from Yesasia, here I am with $180 of music in my cart again. I’m honestly not sure who I should blame for this. I think it’s a combination of Hello! Project deciding to release both Buono!’s and Ongaku Gatas’ debut albums in the same month, the Prince of Tennis rerelease spree, and the fact that they’re both happening at like the exact same time. That’s HELLISHLY bad timing!
Curse whoever came up with the idea of limited editions and limited releases. As always, everything I want is limited, so there’s the chance of it selling out if I don’t get it now. But there’s no way I could spend $180 right now. I mean, yeah, I have the money, but 1) I have to go through my mom for purchases because it’s through her credit card, which means she can say ‘no’, and I get the feeling she will because of how expensive this is, and 2) I have no income, so I can’t spend so much money each month. =P

Anyway, this is what I want to get:
Buono! – Renai Rider (limited edition)
Buono! – Cafe Buono! (limited edition)
Ongaku Gatas – 1st GOODSAL (limited edition)
Kai Yuujirou – Valentine Kiss (limited release)
Inui Sadaharu – DISTANCE (limited release)
Echizen Ryouma – future / WHITE LINE (limited release)
Hyoutei Eternity – Fujouri (limited release)
The Prince of Tennis op.REQUEST (limited release)
The Prince of Tennis ed.REQUEST (limited release)
3 Guava Trio – BRAND NEW DAY (limited release)

I -guess- I could cut the op/ed REQUEST CDs out if necessary, along with Fujouri- they’re not too high on my priority list, I just really want them because the op/ed REQUEST CDs are opening/ending theme compilations (which I love) and Fujouri is the only seiyuu theme song I’m missing…
I just kinda get the feeling that the H!P CDs are going to sell out way faster than the PoT CDs, but I’m still worried that if I cut any CDs from this order they won’t be available by the time I make my next order.

So, I had the bright idea to look on CD Japan, cause the prices are much lower there, right? I actually did a quick price comparison for all of the CDs:
Buono! – Renai Rider: $17.49 (Yesasia), $13.89 (CD Japan)
Buono! – Cafe Buono!: $32.99 (Yesasia), $31.49 (CD Japan)
Ongaku Gatas – 1st GOODSAL: $33.75 (Yesasia), $30.87 (CD Japan)
Kai Yuujirou – Valentine Kiss: $9.99 (Yesasia), not listed but presumed to be $6.85 like all previous Valentine Kiss singles (CD Japan)
Inui Sadaharu – DISTANCE: $7.64 (Yesasia), $5.56 (CD Japan)
Echizen Ryouma – future: $10.75 (Yesasia), $8.82 (CD Japan)
Hyoutei Eternity – Fujouri: $9.25 (Yesasia), $6.88 (CD Japan)
The Prince of Tennis op.REQUEST: $25.49 (Yesasia), $24.70 (CD Japan)
The Prince of Tennis ed.REQEUST: $25.49 (Yesasia), $24.70 (CD Japan)
3 Guava Trio – BRAND NEW DAY: $7.25 (Yesasia), $4.90 (CD Japan)

Total: $180.09 (Yesasia), $158.67 (CD Japan)

So, after looking at that, you’d think CD Japan would be the obvious choice, right? Then you take a look at shipping.

Shipping: $0.00 (Yesasia), $35.20 (CD Japan)
Total with shipping: $180.09 (Yesasia), $193.87 (CD Japan)

And that’s the CHEAPEST shipping option, which I’d never use. GODDAMMIT CDJAPAN. >_< The prices are so low and appealing, AND THEN THE SHIPPING PRICES ARE HELL. No shipping should ever be $35.
So anyway, Yesasia’s still somehow the cheapest choice. If only CD Japan had free shipping, or at least -cheaper- shipping. I mean, I’m aware that their shipping depends on how much the package weighs, and this order does contain quite a few CDs, but STILL. $35.

Actually, either way, I’m not making this order until mid-February because I just ordered some stuff two weeks ago. All I can do is hope for a sale or something…

I just listened to Jaja Uma Paradise, and…

January 1, 2008

…all I can say is, what the hell. xD;; I really liked Koisuru Angel Heart, so I thought this would be good too…but I don’t like this song…
Yes, I know I’m uber late listening to this song. I have an uber backup of music on my computer because I was uber lazy last year so typically music doesn’t make it onto my iTunes until at least a couple of weeks after it’s released, unless it’s Momusu, then I stick it on as soon as it comes out. xD

On another note, Yesasia finally added the Prince of Tennis re-releases- I was kinda worried for a bit that they wouldn’t add them and that I’d have to buy from CD Japan. No offense to CD Japan users, it’s a good site, but I put together a tentative order there with some of the upcoming re-releases and a couple of H!P CDs, and it told me shipping would be like $50. What the hell.
Yesasia has free shipping. 8D Even though the prices are a little higher, the free shipping should make up for it.
So now that Yesasia added the re-releases, I don’t have to worry about that stuff…

I had to cut down on some of the stuff in this order I’m planning to make uber soon in order to insure that I have enough money for both the re-releases and Anime Boston, which is coming up in March. (Haha, this year it’s during spring break, so I can go the entire weekend and not have to worry about homework and studying!) Oh well, I think in the end it’ll be worth it. If only I had a job, then I wouldn’t have to worry as much about money…I always get lots of money in December cause of my birthday and Christmas, but then I typically spend it all before summer starts. xD;; Then I’m screwed until December again…

I dunno, this post was kinda random, but I’m just like hanging out on my last day of break and I don’t really have anything long enough to devote a full post to…

Huge reissue of almost all Prince of Tennis limited character singles

December 17, 2007

Oh god. I got an e-mail from CD Japan, an Upcoming Artist Newsmail for Prince of Tennis, and it listed like ten billion different CDs that have already been released, most of which have gone out of print. I totally thought it was some weird mistake. Then I looked closer, to where it said “Reissue of this limited edition release from the “Prince of Tennis” series.”
Ohhh wow…I was disappointed when I found out I got into the fandom too late to get my hands on copies of lots of character CDs…but now they’re re-releasing almost all of them! I can finally grab a copy of that Inui single where THEY SHOW HIS EYES ON THE COVER ZOMG!
I’m kinda surprised, though, for two reasons: first, well, just in general, I totally would never expect a re-release of any of these. I thought I’d have to go through eBay or something. Second, they’re even re-releasing the brand new singles that still haven’t sold out of the original release, like Taka’s recent single “C’mon every burning” (which was released 2007.11.14) and the current OVA opening by byTachikiritai, “Koi no Gekidasa Ecstasy!” which was just released on 2007.10.31.
Yesasia doesn’t have any of the rereleases listed, so it looks like I’ll have to go through CD Japan. Which has cheaper prices, but shipping’s a -bitch-. Ugh.
EDIT: I just put together like a first draft on an order with the PoT CDs and the Buono and Ongaku Gatas upcoming CDs, and it says that shipping’s going to be like $50. T_________T God I hate CD Japan, but sometimes it’s the only option…

Yeah, I think this is where all of my Christmas/birthday money is going to go. Forget that Yesasia order I was making, I can cut it down to just the new Buono and Ongaku Gatas stuff. xD I’m definitely grabbing quite a few of these rereleases, especially that Inui single I mentioned earlier, all of the other Valentine Kiss singles (I have the 2006 Oshitari one), the other Cap to Bin singles (I’m making it a point to collect all the singles involving Eiji), the two opening/ending soundtrack albums (who makes soundtracks limited release only? I mean, I can understand character singles, but opening/ending theme collections? that always pissed me off, but now I can actually buy them! 8D)…

Lol, I’m so excited, but they’re not actually being (re)released until late February. 8D I should still pre-order though…

Recent purchases

December 14, 2007

It took us 4 hours to get home yesterday from my school, which usually only takes one…and it was uber dangerous, too. D: I love snow, but not when I’m trying to get home on the highway…I got uber bored, so I ended up romanizing lyrics to some Prince of Tennis songs I had lyric scans for on my laptop. I would have done j-pop songs instead, but the only scans I had were for the Prince of Tennis ending singles WHITE LINE and Wonderful days. xD; I’ll post the romanizations later…
Anyway, I think the two packages sitting on my bed when I got home actually kinda made up for the long drive. 8D

I love Kinokuniya. I used to get pissed because there isn’t one nearby where I live, but I ordered Prince of Tennis volume 40 and the 40.5 Fanbook on Saturday, and it’s already here! 8D I’m so used to Yesasia which takes forever to ship, so…I think in the future I should use Kinokuniya to buy books and stuff, otherwise they’ll slow down Yesasia orders like it did with my latest order. >> Sadly, this strategy doesn’t work with Hello! Project photobooks. I checked it out when I went to make the order with the Tenipuri books, and you can’t get them from the New York stores. It redirects me to their Japan store site instead, which a) I can’t navigate very well and b) the shipping would be hell anyway, and take a while. But Kinokuniya is good for manga, so…xD
And then, I FINALLY got my Yesasia order that I placed over a month ago. I’m still pissed that it took so long- it really should have shipped out once Mikan was released. It’s all because Sket Dance took so long…but I think it was worth it. Three copies of Mikan (haha, I know, I’m an uber crazy fan), Shouri no BIG WAVE!! limited, Sket Dance volume 1, and the H!P 2007 Winter Live DVD Set.

First up, the three copies of Mikan. I love this song so much. xD Which is part of the reason I bought all three editions. The other part is because there were special photocards in each one, and I love stuff like that. xD
I’d share some more pics of the booklets and limited photobook and stuff, but I’m going to scan these later today, which is even better! 8D
And now…which photocards did I get??

Risa, Koharu, and Sayumi.
If I could have chosen which I got, I would have chosen Reina, Junjun, and Risa, my current three favorite members. (or the group card, which I totally didn’t know existed until like five minutes ago…?) I absolutely LOVE Reina, and I love how she looks in the promo pics for this single! She has some really nice shots in the limited photobook- I love her outfit and her hair and like EVERYTHING! @_@ Sadly, luck was not really on my side when I opened these last night.
I’m really happy I got Risa, though. =) She’s my second favorite member, and I like her photocard.
Sayumi’s cute too- she’s not one of my favorite members, but I like her appearance in this single, so I’m fine with getting her card.
Koharu, however…don’t get me wrong, I like Koharu, but…I don’t really like her here. I just don’t think she looks that good- and honestly, she’s not very high on my member ranking, so…

Next up is the limited edition of Shouri no BIG WAVE!!, which came with a photobook. I actually had no idea it had a photobook until I opened it up and it came out…xD I totally never saw anywhere just what the limited edition actually had in it.
I love this song- it’s really cute and upbeat, and the Engrish makes me laugh a bit. Though, as much as I love this song, I think I’ve had enough “OKEY-DOKEY!”s for a while. @_@
The photobook has some pictures of the four girls involved in this single- the two Momusu, Risa and Aika, and the two C-ute members, Nakajima Saki and Okai Chisato. Aika’s really cute. xD And, I’m sorry, I still don’t really know who Nakajima and Okai are. I had to look them up to find out which group they’re in. ;-; I seriously need to get my act together and learn the names of all the H!P Kids already…

Then there’s the H!P 2007 Winter Live DVD Box. I feel like such an uber crazy fan having this…it cost $100, but I think it’s worth it- three concerts and a bonus backstage disc. It’s my first H!P concert I’ve actually bought- I’ve thought about buying some other concerts in the past, but turned them down in favor of more music. I can’t wait to sit down and have an H!P concert marathon…xD
What I really like about H!P concerts is that unlike concerts by a solo artist or a normal group (lol, as in like, one that stays the same rather than constantly changing), there’s always new groups of people singing an old song. Like current Morning Musume singing a song like LOVE Machine- I love always being able to hear different people sing older songs like that. Compare that to a concert by someone like BoA- you don’t really hear anything new when she sings her older songs, because it’s still the same person singing it- just live instead of a studio recording.
Now if only they’d record some of these new versions in the studio and release them separately…xD

Last but not least, there’s the three manga I ordered. Sket Dance 1, Prince of Tennis 40, and Prince of Tennis 40.5.
Sket Dance is a new manga in Shounen Jump, and it currently has 21 chapters. It’s a random school comedy manga, and it’s really funny. Most new manga hasn’t been doing so well in Jump lately, but I hope Sket Dance survives- it’s really cool and funny, definitely one of my favorite series in the magazine.

Prince of Tennis 40…oh this is so much crack. xD The title of the volume is “The Prince who Forgot Tennis”…you really wouldn’t think there would be this much crack in a tennis manga, but there seriously is. Basically this volume starts out in the middle of the National Tournament finals with Tezuka’s arm being UBER DEAD (xD) and Sanada winning…then Ryouma comes back with Momo, Atobe, and Oshitari (because, see, Ryouma didn’t show up to the finals, so Atobe WITH HIS HANDY HELICOPTER THAT HE JUST SO HAPPENS TO HAVE AT THE TOURNAMENT takes Oshitari and Momo to go find Ryouma. Who knows why Oshitari went, he’s absolutely pointless), and the rest of the team is uber excited ONLY TO FIND OUT THAT RYOUMA HAS AMNESIA AND DOESN’T REMEMBER TENNIS! DUN-DUN-DUN
Then Inui and Kaidou play doubles against Yanagi and Kirihara, and Inui gets uber beaten up and basically dies in the middle of the court after stopping Kaidou from going into devil mode. Which is an uber scary sight that I hope I never have to see again, btw.
I know, wtf, people actually can get sent to the hospital for playing TENNIS?
Inui wakes up, he has UBER UBER BANDAGES WRAPPED AROUND HIS ENTIRE BODY (ahahaha I love that panel), and then it switches to Fuji vs Niou.
Niou, with his Illusion or w/e it’s called, apparently can turn into Tezuka. I DON’T KNOW HOW IT WORKS EITHER. I mean, he’s not just using Tezuka’s moves, Konomi’s actually DRAWING TEZUKA instead of Niou. And then it turns out that, ZOMG KONOMI PUT AN ANIME FILLER EPISODE IN THE MIDDLE OF THIS MATCH FOR A FLASHBACK, and Fuji played Tezuka as a freshman. Angst happens. Then the volume ends.

40.5 is not, as you may think, half of a volume. xD It’s the new fanbook, taking after 10.5 and 20.5 (no, it’s not that they don’t know how to count…30.5 was an artbook rather than a fanbook.). It has tons of information on all the players, and tons of other interesting pages that I’m sure would be much more interesting for me if I could understand any of it. Some of my favorite facts:
-Marui’s favorite music is ORANGE RANGE. That’s some good taste right there, huh? xD I started skimming to see if anyone else mentioned specific bands, but I got bored after getting halfway through and put it down. Eiji apparently loves idol groups, but he didn’t specify H!P. I bet he has a collection somewhere, though. xD
-Ooishi’s special skill outside of tennis is that he’s able to tell whether a baby chick is a boy or a girl. Wtf, Ooishi. That’s weird.
-Jirou carries Marui’s wristband in his bag. STALKER
-Sanada carries around the “Sanada Family Rock”. xDDDDD oh Sanada. A rock?? Why does his family even have a ‘family rock’ in the first place??

Haha, look at Inui. xD Who knows why he still wears his glasses. Can he even see with all those bandages? xD
(oh, and Koharu and Yuuji are there too- they hold the honor of being the ONLY EXPLICITLY STATED CANON GAY COUPLE in the series. <33 Now if only Konomi would just admit that the Golden Pair has sex behind the scenes…xD)

So, there we go. Scans and lyrics should be posted soon.

Broken headphones, connections, and a little bit of angst

November 26, 2007

pic 1
pic 2
Grr, my headphones finally totally broke this morning on the way to school. They were at least usable before, but now the left headphone doesn’t work at all and the outer part of it is like GONE…what a horrible time for my headphones to break, now I have to live with these all week until I go home for the weekend. My mom’s going to buy new headphones from the Apple Store, but yeah, I still won’t get them until the weekend.
I use my headphones so much during the week too- I can’t fully wake up in the morning unless I listen to my iPod from breakfast straight through until assembly, and since I have such weird music tastes (well, to the normal American world =P) that once I’m back in my dorm room I have to listen to my music with headphones rather than just using my computer speakers. This is definitely going to bug me all this week…

Connections: Well, I just had teh uber shocking discovery. I was listening to Ibu Shinji’s first character single from the Prince of Tennis anime, Can See the Light, and looked it up on Yesasia to add it to my cart cause it’s a great song, and then I noticed that Yesasia said that it was by Moriyama Eiji. Ok, I definitely recognized that name, so I went to look him up on Wikipedia, and I found out- he’s Momo’s first-cast actor in the Prince of Tennis musicals!
What the hell…? So then I redownloaded the full single (I lost it when my hard drive crashed a while ago, but the song was still on my iPod) to listen to the voice message, and sure enough, as soon as the seiyuu started talking I immediately recognized him as Momo. It’s so hard to tell though, when he’s actually voicing Shinji! I definitely would -never- make that connection…
Moriyama Eiji as Ibu Shinji in the Prince of Tennis anime – Can See The Light
Moriyama Eiji as Momoshiro Takeshi in the Prince of Tennis musicals – Ore wa Momo-chan ~ Seigaku no Abarenbou
Seiyuu Voice Message from Shinji’s CD- the first voice is Moriyama as himself (which is basically his voice for Momo) and then he has a ‘conversation’ or something with Shinji (aka, himself but with a different voice)…xD
Moriyama also plays Renji in the Bleach musicals, but I haven’t watched that yet. I seriously need to, cause NAGAYAN (aka the cutest Eiji actor ever) PLAYS HITSUGAYA ASASDFKAJESLRIJASDLKFJASDKLFJ

And last but not least, I’m having an angsty moment on the inside cause my Yesasia order with my precious 3 copies of Mikan hasn’t even shipped yet. It’s been almost a week since Mikan was released~! DDD:
And since I chose free shipping, it’ll be another week after it ships before it arrives at my house! And knowing my luck, it’ll end up arriving on like a Monday and then I’ll have to wait until the weekend before I actually get it. *sob*

roar @ Yesasia

November 22, 2007

I really really want my copies of Mikan…but it still hasn’t shipped out yet. T_T I didn’t think it would take this long to find a copy of the first Sket Dance volume…grr, now I know not to put a manga volume in the same Yesasia order as something I’m uber looking forward to…
Hopefully it’ll ship out soon, then it’ll arrive next weekend or so. I really don’t want to have to wait ANOTHER week…even if it comes on a Monday, I still won’t get it until that weekend since I board…D:

New stuff, yay!

November 12, 2007

Well, I’m kinda procrastinating my homework right now, so I took the time to put together two orders, one on CDJapan and one on Yesasia…
So this is what I ended up getting:
Athena & Robikerottsu – Shouri no BIG WAVE!!! (limited edition)
Morning Musume – Mikan (normal edition)
Morning Musume – Mikan (limited edition A)
Morning Musume – Mikan (limited edition B)
Hello! Project 2007 Winter Live DVD Box (limited)
SKET DANCE volume 1
The Morning Musume. All Singles Complete Zen 35 Kyoku – 10th Anniversary (limited)
Megane’s – Manatsu no Megane’s (limited)
Kawamura Takashi – C’mon every burning (limited)

As soon as I heard about the Athena single, I knew I had to get it- I mean, it’s Risa and Aika and two H!P Kids…
I actually ended up getting all three versions of Mikan. I was looking on Yesasia, and for each of them it said the first press came with a randomly selected photocard. I love the photocards, so I figured it’s definitely worth it to buy all three, not to mention it’s my favorite Morning Musume song in a while, so…
And as for the box set, who could turn that down? I mean, it’s THREE concerts- the normal concert and the Wonderful Hearts/Elder Club concerts that are usually only released to the fanclub.
Then there’s SKET DANCE volume 1, one of the newest Shounen Jump series- I absolutely love it, so when I heard the first volume was out I had to buy it. xD
Since I bought the Momusu 10th anniversary CD, it only makes sense to buy the DVD that goes along with it- it includes all of their PVs, including an alternate version of Mikan and something to do with LOVE Machine…
Then there are the two PoT character singles. At first it started off with me looking for something cheap to randomly add to the CD Japan order (I put the Momusu DVD in a separate order on CD Japan because I didn’t want it to hold back the other stuff since it’s coming out later) because if I hit 5000 yen I’d get a 500 yen coupon, and I ended up with Manatsu no Megane’s. Then I found out about Taka’s new single, which actually includes a b-side (which is rare for PoT singles, usually it’s just the title track, an instrumental, and maybe a track with random talk from the seiyuu) and stuff, so…xD;

AND I also bought a couple of doujinshi yesterday…someone was selling Seishun Gakuen Paradise by Kodaka Kazuma for $2, so of course I bought that, and she was also selling some other doujinshi for cheap prices so I got two anthologies, Ground Smash 2 and Love Prince 4.

AND the girl who runs (well, at this point, it should be ‘ran’) is selling all her Prince of Tennis stuff- all of it. SOOOO of course I had to get some, right?
New Season Set 1 Birthday Card Akutagawa Jirou
Eiji Pin
Bromide Set 2: Summertime/Oceanside: Golden Pair
Bromide Season 4: Sakura: Jirou
Bromide Season 5: Festival/Costume: Eiji
Bromide Season 5: Festival/Costume: Momo/Kaidou
Bromide Season 7: White Day Presents: Eiji
Bromide Season 8: School: Golden Pair
Bromide Season 10: Fashion Prince: Golden Pair
Databook 20.5
Love Prince 1 + 2

I ordered all this stuff a bit more than a week ago, but it’s not going to be shipped until she puts the last batch of her stuff up for sale- I’m waiting until the end just in case I want anything from the third batch of stuff. xD

EDIT: ooh hey even more stuff! don’t feel like making a new post, so…
AAND someone else on the garagesalejapan LJ community just put up some CDs including W’s two albums (the first press of the second one) and Berryz Koubou’s first two albums (again, the second album was the first press edition) so I just had to grab some of them. I ended up buying the two W albums and the second Berryz album~
Seriously, with shipping it ended up being $33.13. That’s basically how much one album is on Yesasia.
I’m having lots of fun with this Livejournal community…

So I ordered new music today.

October 8, 2007

Buono! – Honto no Jibun (limited edition)
byTachikiritai – Koi no Gekidasa Ecstasy! (limited release)
Gyaruru – Boom Boom Meccha Maccho! (limited edition)
Morning Musume – 7.5 Fuyu Fuyu Morning Musume Mini (limited edition)
Morning Musume – ALL SINGLES COMPLETE ~10th Anniversary~ (limited edition)
Morning Musume – Eizou The Morning Musume 4 ~Single M Clips~
Ongaku Gatas – Nari Hajimeta Koi no Bell (limited edition)
Prince of Tennis 2008 calendar

I think this is the first time in a while that I’ve bought more general j-pop than PoT music…anyway, with this I’m finally caught up with Morning Musume’s CD releases, so now I have to start heading back and collecting everything before Chokkan 2…
Aaand I actually bought a Morning Musume DVD! YAAAAYYYYYYY I downloaded this DVD a while ago, and I liked it a lot~ it’s all their PVs from THE Manpower!!! to Kanashimi Twilight. Plus, it’s the only place to find their PV for Koi wa Hassou Do The Hustle!…
Then there’s Gyaruru’s single- it’s the limited edition, so it comes with the DVD. I heard that the DVD of this is basically like an H!P Single V DVD, so I’m looking forward to it~
I’m not exactly sure what the DVDs for Nari Hajimeta Koi no Bell and Honto no Jibun have, but whatever~
Lol, then there’s Koi no Gekidasa Ecstasy!. I wasn’t actually planning on buying this, but when the opening video came out the other day, I ended up listening to it a lot and getting addicted. xD;;;;; It’s too catchy…though I STILL don’t like it as much as Flower or Kakaeta Kiseki, it’s definitely good. So that resulted in me pre-ordering the single…
And the calendar, of course. Someone posted the images on the tenipuri LJ community, and it looked amusing. xD So…yeah, I bought it.
I was tempted to choose the split shipment option, but it was $10 extra, so…guess I just have to wait until the end of October for this to ship out (since Honto no Jibun and Koi no Gekidasa Ecstasy aren’t being released until the 31st).

On a totally unrelated note, Ao to Bin to Kan’s single Gather FINALLY SHIPPED! I ordered that over a month ago from one of those places through Amazon. Believe me, I’m not ordering from that site again…I almost forgot about it, but I got an e-mail a day or so ago telling me that it shipped. YAAAAYYYYY]

And on another totally unrelated note, 6 more PoT character CDs have been announced. From the looks of things, it’s the Shitenhouji Best of Rival Players set. Dunno how they’re gonna get 6 CDs…Shiraishi definitely gets one, same with Chitose and the freshman kid. Then I bet there’s gonna be one for Koharu/Yuuji…maybe Ishida Gin? And that’s only 5…maybe Oshitari’s cousin, Oshitari Kenya? Not like he plays an important role in the story at all, but…well, whatever. We’ll see when it gets closer to the release dates- two are coming out on November 21st, two on the 28th (Eiji’s birthday btw, yaaay), and then two are coming out the Wednesday after that (too lazy to look up the date).