Art Street 08 / one year anniversary pt. 2

May 29, 2008

So, uh, this is really late. I actually did this last Friday, but somehow I never ended up posting it until now.
On Friday, at my school, we had Sidewalk Sam come to our school for a…something. Not a party, I dunno. My school does this every year. One day in the spring, this old guy Sidewalk Sam comes and brings tons of chalk, and everyone draws stuff on the pavement. He’s really nice. It’s also a day when there’s a candy sale, tie-dye t-shirts, stuff like that. It’s really fun!
This year, I ended up drawing/writing a couple things.
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One year of blogging…

May 22, 2008

It’s May 22nd. One year ago today, I created ~ lurking in the shadows ~, which has since moved to WordPress and become Resonant Blue.
What happened this last year?
I got into the Prince of Tennis fandom, and it basically took over my anime fandom. Prince of Tennis ended, and I cried. =( (HATED the ending, btw.)
Naruto all but turned into “Sasuke”, and I don’t think Naruto’s shown up in a couple months.
Morning Musume had three singles, with Mikan being their first single since Morning Coffee to not get into the top 5. >_< But they hit their 10th anniversary!
I moved, entered high school, and started 5-day boarding…unrelated but still.
I started getting into the H!P Kids besides just their music, and I actually finally learned all their names! xD I remember trying to learn them, looking through the Hello! Online picboard and just going “who’s this…?” I still can’t rank them, but I know who’s on the top of my ranking (Chinami) and who’s on the bottom (Risako). xD My goal for my second year? Learn the names of the Eggs! xDDD
I’ve gotten into AKB48, and Johnny’s. Neither are fandoms I’m really familiar with, but I like the music a lot!
I’ve also started getting into dramas, through AZN Television (RIP D: ) and Tenimyu actors. Abarenbo Mama was my first full drama, and I’m planning on watching lots more!
I’m now an International Wota contributor, even though I totally admit that I’m not that active as one. xD;;;; IW inspired me to start blogging, so I decided the best thing to do would be to help with IW, and maybe IW will encourage more people to start blogging!
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Fangirl time, aka “YESASIA SELLS DOUJINSHI!”

May 20, 2008

Now, as I bet most people reading this blog don’t know, I’m a huge yaoi fan. xD Mostly Prince of Tennis yaoi, but I’m starting to get into other actual yaoi manga (as opposed to doujinshi/fanfics). My favorite Prince of Tennis doujinshi artist is Kodaka Kazuma, a professional yaoi mangaka that just happens to write PoT yaoi also. <33 I love her art, it’s really great when it’s serious and really adorable when it’s chibis. I love her stories too! She just so happens to write doujinshi for my FAVORITE pairing, the golden pair, and I own her golden pair anthology called Darling. I also own her hilarious comedy doujinshi Seishun gakuen Paradise, with lots of mini stories including yaoi sex ed, a school festival, evil!Fuji…
According to Wikipedia, Kodaka Kazuma’s manga Kizuna was one of the first and most popular yaoi manga. I still think it’s so cool that she does PoT doujinshi too~
So anyway! I was on Yesasia, looking for Kizuna volumes, because I’ve been thinking about reading it and apparently the English version is totally censored. My search was pretty unsuccessful (I only found Chinese versions), but it lead me to an amazing finding!
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True Life Seek survey

May 17, 2008

So, broomhead from True Life Seek posted this survey for other bloggers to answer…
I figured I’d give it a try. Maybe it will help me out, because I feel like I might be partly in the same situation as he is.

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Sanada Genichirou – D Kimochi cover

May 12, 2008

As shown on the Prince of Tennis music site (, Sanada’s upcoming single now has a cover! Yaaay.



Title: D Kimochi (limited release)
Artist: Sanada Genichirou
Release date: 2008.05.21 (Wednesday)
Code: NECM-10102
Price: 777 yen

You know, I really don’t have too much to say about this one. Hmm.

In the same news post, they reposted the basic details about Renji’s upcoming single AGAIN. Nothing has changed since the first time they announced it! I mean, it still doesn’t even have a TITLE. I’m totally not gonna even bother translating it cause I’ve already done it twice.

Odd Crossover Thought of the Moment

May 1, 2008

You know, sometimes I get these weird thoughts that I really could live without. This happens to be one of them.
I was thinking about Prince of Tennis this morning, probably fanfic ideas, and then all of a sudden Resonant Blue just randomly pops into my head. So I’m humming Resonant Blue and thinking of PoT fanfic ideas and then all of a sudden it just HITS me that 9 Seigaku regulars = 9 Morning Musume members and immediately I have the mental image of Seigaku singing/dancing Resonant Blue!
Er, what…?

For some odd reason I’m imagining Eiji, Fuji, and Ryoma as the leads. After that, I really don’t know…