Catching up

March 12, 2008

So this is my first post after moving my former blog, ~ lurking in the shadows ~ (on Blogger, here) to WordPress. I got the idea for it about a week ago, then like 7+ j-pop blogs got deleted from WP so I decided against it, but after Kawaiirrhea figured out what was causing the shutdowns (Pony Canyon downloads), I decided to just go ahead because I don’t have any Pony Canyon downloads on my blog (and as of now I don’t plan on ever having any). I like WordPress better than Blogger, so…
There’s also a new name. I kinda was getting tired of the old name, and since I’m moving this anyway, why not? xD Resonant Blue was the first thing that came to mind…named after Morning Musume’s upcoming single.

As my first post here, I should catch up with everything I’ve missed lately. I’m going to attempt to keep this blog up-to-date, update it much more, and write some posts that have some actual content besides just quick news posts. xD

(my g key’s broken, and while I’m copy-pasting the lowercase g it’s too much trouble to keep copy-pasting the uppercase and then having to go back to the lowercase…so that’s why I might have random fail moments in terms of capitalization)

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Goto Maki leaving H!P…

October 28, 2007

Ok, a couple of things I have to say first before I get to the main point of this post.
First of all, I’m sorry for not updating in a while! I started high school last month, and I definitely don’t have as much time as I did over the summer and at the end of last year when I started this blog. So I really can’t update as frequently as I used too. I haven’t been keeping up with j-pop news at all lately- really, all I know is stuff about new releases. I’ve found that I kinda have this thing where I go back and forth for a while between focusing mostly on j-pop and focusing on anime…I haven’t written a j-pop post in like forever. ;-; It’s just cause I don’t really have the time to keep up with everything anymore, but I think I’m gonna try to keep up…

Second, yeah, I moved the blog to a new URL- from ‘indigoskies-shadow’ to ‘indigoskies-shadows’. If you’re reading this, you’ve figured that out already. I thought I wrote a post explaining why, but now I find out I didn’t. ;-; The thing is, my mom found my blog (it’s really all my fault, I forgot to delete the link from my e-mail signature when I e-mailed her at one point), and she got really mad at my swearing and stuff (somehow she missed the Darling! post, which I’m ETERNALLY THANKFUL for) so she said she was going to monitor my blog. See why I had to move it?
I don’t know if people are going to find this blog again. ;-; I barely had any visitors before, but now I don’t think I have any. I figure this is a good time to get back into the j-pop blogosphere, and I’m probably gonna post the new link to my blog on International Wota somewhere…

ANYWAY. On to the main point of this post…

So today I was procrastinating and not doing my homework, and I looked up Goto Maki on
And saw that Goto Maki was leaving Hello! Project.
Oh wow.
Apparently it’s because her brother was arrested recently. But what does that have to do with Maki’s career? I don’t understand.
I’m totally gonna miss Maki in H!P, but at least she’s still going to be singing, just under a different record label.
I think this could really work for her. I’m pretty sure that no one who left H!P has had a successful career outside of H!P, but Maki’s definitely popular, and I think she can do really well if she ends up with a good record label. This will also give her a lot more freedom, since we all know H!P is really strict when it comes to things like boyfriends.
Maki is (was, I guess?) my favorite H!P soloist, so I really really hope she does well. <33 I’ll continue to support her no matter what…so good luck, Maki~

Possible new Yesasia order and some other random thoughts~

June 8, 2007

So I’m gonna place a Yesasia order soon, and I’m still contemplating what to get in it…this is what I have at the moment:
Morning Musume – Egao YES Nude (limited edition A CD+DVD) (Hong Kong Version)
Koda Kumi – Shake It Up (Korean Version)
Koda Kumi feat. SOULHEAD – D.D.D (Korean Version)
Koda Kumi – WIND (Korean Version)
Morning Musume – Onna ni Sachi Are (limited edition B CD+mini photobook)
Hello! Project 2005 – Summer Show ’05 Selection Collection (photobook)
Naruto 33
Naruto 38
Aqua Timez – ALONES

I’m just waiting on ALONES to be available on Yesasia. =/ Hopefully it will be. I’ve had bad luck lately with Naruto/Bleach songs and Yesasia…Hero’s Come Back!! (the Shippuuden opening) wasn’t on there…Tsumasaki (the current Bleach ending) wasn’t on there…
I’m definitely getting the Naruto volumes. I’m on a mission to collect all the part 2 manga volumes…xD I already have 32, and 34-37. They’re so cheap compared to the English volumes…
I’m also definitely pre-ordering Onna ni Sachi Are. It’s kinda hard to decide which limited edition to get since I know nothing about the song yet (it depends on what’s on the DVD that comes with limited edition A), but since LE A is more expensive, I figure B is probably a better choice. If the PV comes out before I place the order and I like the song a lot (plus it depends what type of alternate PV it is- I probably won’t get it if it’s just a close-up version, but if it’s a dance version or something I might want it), maybe I’ll go with A.
Now, the rest of the order is what I’m not sure about…
I’ve always wanted some sort of H!P photobook. I was looking at my collection of photobook scans, and I looked up a few on Yesasia- but most photobooks are like $35, or even more. So, being the cheap person that I am, I looked for one that was cheaper. :D There were a few $20 photobooks (I think there was a Yossi one, and a W one, maybe more), and then I found the Summer 2005 Selection Collection. It’s only $12. :D I have the concert DVD (ok, it’s a burned DVD, but whatever), and I liked it a lot…so I think I’m gonna get it. Not too sure, though…
I don’t usually buy overseas versions of anything. They’re cheaper, but it just doesn’t seem like the actual thing to me. xD However…when it comes to limited editions that are only still available in overseas versions…:D
I’ll probably get the Egao YES Nude limited edition. It’s the DVD edition, but it’s cheap! It’s $11.75- the Japan version of the REGULAR edition is $11.25. I want the single to continue with my Momusu collection, and if I can get a limited edition for only 50 cents more than the regular edition, why would I pass down the offer? xD
And the Koda Kumi singles…WHY the hell are they still available?? xDDD These were released (limited edition ONLY, so after it sells out, it’s gone for good) over a year ago, in her 12 singles thing. I remember a year ago, I jumped at the chance to grab the Korean version of Birthday Eve (my favorite at the time), cause I thought it wouldn’t last a month before selling out- considering most of the Japan versions were sold out before they were even released. But if I had the money (and didn’t buy anything else), I could complete my collection right now by buying overseas versions of all the singles. I don’t think there was one single that was completely sold out in all versions…maybe Birthday Eve was; I didn’t check that since I already had it.
So, anyway, they’re also pretty cheap, so…I limited myself to three, and I might end up bringing it down to two. I already own my two favorites, Birthday Eve and No Regret, so I took a look through for some of the other ones I really liked. I ended up narrowing it down to D.D.D, WIND, and Shake It Up. But these are probably the most expendable things on this list…if I have to cut it down because it’s too expensive, these will probably be the first things to go.
I’m a sucker for limited ANYTHING. xD;; For some reason, the whole “there are only _______ copies in the world and you have one of them” concept appeals to me a LOT.

If anyone (I dunno, do I even have readers? I guess I must, cause I’ve had a few posts posted on International Wota, but I have yet to have one comment on this blog. xD) has any suggestions or any ideas or ANYTHING…comment.

Now for the ‘other random thoughts’.
Fujimoto Miki’s apparently been taken off of Young Town Doyoubi, and replaced by Michishige Sayumi. I don’t listen to this show, but…
I hope this doesn’t mean she’ll be like Yaguchi Mari and not do much of anything for a while after this. =/ I hated (and to be honest, I still don’t like this) that she wasn’t doing too much, considering she’s my favorite H!P member. I still say she needs to start doing more music stuff! D: Like, release something solo, or go with a group, or SOMETHING!
The difference between Miki and Mari, though, is that Mari only had Momusu…Miki still has GAM, and the solo career she put on hold when she joined Momusu. I’m expecting her to do something with either (or both) relatively soon…she’s already in the GAM tour at the moment. I know for a while, Mari only did MCing at H!P tours- I don’t know if she still does that or if she’s started performing again. Haven’t quite paid too much attention to recent tours- I was going to get the H!P winter 10th Anniversary boxed set, but it sold out a few days ago before I had the chance to place the order. =/

In other news, Niigaki Risa is replacing Tsuji Nozomi (in case anyone’s been totally oblivious, Nono got pregnant and so she’s taking a break from singing and stuff) as the seiyuu of Atena in the anime Robby to Kerobby. I kinda want to see this anime now. xD Too bad I can’t find subs anywhere, or even raws. =/

This blog is turning into a full-on H!P blog (with some other j-music on the side), even though I originally meant it to be a bit of everything. xDD I didn’t think I could focus enough on H!P to write a blog like this…guess I’ve proved myself wrong. xD With Hello! Project, there’s soo much to write about~ It’s one of the reasons why I loove H!P, besides the fact that I love this type of music. It’s never boring, and you never have a long period of time where nothing happens, like you do with some other artists~
But I’m gonna try to put together a Naruto post tomorrow or Sunday…about the latest Shippuuden episode, the latest chapter (and how Karin actually looks good with red hair- as long as it’s not Kishimoto doing the coloring), possibly tomorrow night’s dub episode, and maybe (if I get through it this weekend) the 3rd uncut boxed set.

Some new scans will be coming in a bit~

New blog~

May 22, 2007

Alright, so I’ve been following a lot of Hello! Project blogs lately, and I figured I’d get in on it too. xD However, this isn’t just going to be an H!P blog. I don’t think I could really do something like that…so this is kinda just a general blog that’ll focus on H!P a lot- but also on Naruto and other anime/manga I like, some other j-pop, and just other stuff going on in my life.
I’ve been writing notes on Facebook for a bit, but I kinda want to open it up to people who don’t have Facebook. At some point I’ll probably bring a lot of my Facebook notes over here…

I’m hoping to actually get some readers here. xD I dunno, though.

As for the name of the blog…I love Shikamaru from Naruto, who controls shadows, so I wanted to use “shadow” somewhere in the name. I couldn’t think of too much…this was pretty much the best thing I could think of at the time.

I’ll post something better later, once I’m out of school for the day. xD If you’re reading this right now, I’d really appreciate it if you stick around for a bit and give this a chance~ ^^

~ Indigo