
March 15, 2008

I’m not really a review person or anything, but I thought I’d talk about this TV show for a bit and maybe get more people to watch it!
Ainori is my favorite Japanese non-anime show. I’ve been watching it since this fall on TV- in America, it airs on AZN Television at 9:30 on Sunday nights, unsubbed.
I’ve explained Ainori in the past as kinda like an MTV reality show mixed with a travelogue, as they try to find love while in foreign countries. 7 young single men and women are on the Love Wagon (which basically a van painted pink with Ainori logos), which travels around the world to tons of different countries. Right now I believe they’re in the Czech Republic. They were in Germany up through last week’s episode, 394, but the latest episode was released while I’m here in the Dominican Republic so I can’t download it yet.
The basic premise is that while traveling, the 7 young people fall in love with each other. Once someone falls in love and believes that the other person likes them, they confess by going to the Love Wagon and asking for two tickets back to Japan from the driver (a native of whatever country they’re in), then giving one of the tickets to the person they are in love with. The next morning, they wait outside the hotel and when the other person comes out, she or he gives their answer- if yes, they kiss and return to Japan as a couple. If no, they return the ticket, and the person who confessed returns alone.
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Comcast is taking away AZN Television!

January 26, 2008

Ok, now I can officially call this a bad day. I mean, as if v-u-den disbanding wasn’t bad enough.

Ok, so, I guess I never blogged about this, but starting about…2 months ago maybe…I’ve been watching AZN Television’s Sunday night line-up. 7:30-9:00, Music
Bang, which shows Asian music videos- usually they don’t show anything that good, but they’ve shown BoA a couple of times- it’s always nice for some background music. 9:00-9:30, Japonica Logos, which is kinda like a variety show based off of the Japanese language. It’s great, and it’s really funny. 9:30-10:00, Ainori, which is TEH BEST, my favorite non-anime show by far. And then 10:00-11:00 is some drama, it was Abarenbo Mama when I started watching.
It’s become somewhat of a weekly tradition for me, like Saturday night anime. Especially Ainori, that’s something I always look forward to every week.
And so now, AZN Television is being taken off of Comcast…
I mean, I can always download Japonica Logos and Ainori, but it’s just not the -same-, you know? Watching stuff on TV is much better than watching it on the computer.

At least I have until April 9th. Then I guess I have to just download them instead…sigh. >_<

Request: Yugin – Fate

January 10, 2008

Yeah, I’m currently looking for the single of the current opening song to Ainori, ‘Fate’ by Yugin. Anyone happen to have this? xDD
It’s their debut single, or at least their major debut single. I’ve been searching for like, two days straight for this single (it came out yesterday, I basically spent almost all of yesterday evening searching), but I’ve pretty much only ended up with tons of Japanese ringtone sites and blogs talking about the PV…
Here’s the short version used in Ainori- I can’t find the full PV, I watched it on Youtube like two weeks ago but it disappeared…

(on a side note, Ainori is addicting. Seriously, it is. Sadly, AZN Television is spamming this drama Galileo for the next three weeks so there’s no Ainori on American television. Guess it’s motivation for me to watch the subs.)

I seriously don’t know why I didn’t pre-order this. I definitely meant to…even if I order it tomorrow, which I probably will, it’ll take a while before it even ships in order to get it in stock (along with the other things in my order) and then it’ll take forever to ship…