Odd Crossover Thought of the Moment

May 1, 2008

You know, sometimes I get these weird thoughts that I really could live without. This happens to be one of them.
I was thinking about Prince of Tennis this morning, probably fanfic ideas, and then all of a sudden Resonant Blue just randomly pops into my head. So I’m humming Resonant Blue and thinking of PoT fanfic ideas and then all of a sudden it just HITS me that 9 Seigaku regulars = 9 Morning Musume members and immediately I have the mental image of Seigaku singing/dancing Resonant Blue!
Er, what…?

For some odd reason I’m imagining Eiji, Fuji, and Ryoma as the leads. After that, I really don’t know…

Resonant Blue covers + DVD info

March 26, 2008

Yes! The covers for Morning Musume’s 36th single Resonant Blue were posted on Some Boys! Blog today, and then the content of the limited edition DVDs was posted there a little later. Both are things I’ve been waiting for for a while (though mostly the DVD content because I wasn’t about to just gUESS which one would have better content and pre-order like that!), so I’m so happy to finally get this info.
First, the covers:
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Sono Bamen de Bibiccha Ikenai jan! radio rip

March 21, 2008

I just found out that a radio rip for this song was out, so I went and searched for a download. This song is the b-side to Morning Musume’s upcoming single Resonant Blue.
There’s a lot of talking over it. It seems like a pretty good song, and the line distribution seems more even than in Resonant Blue…but I’ll wait for a better quality version to come out before I really go into my thoughts on it.

Download here

Resonant Blue PV

March 14, 2008

I’m kinda late with this, but the internet at the resort I’m staying in here (I’m in the Dominican Republic until Saturday night) died last night and I just got it back. Actually the internet here just kinda sucks in general, it seriously took at least an hour for the Resonant Blue PV to load fully yesterday. I was planning on thinking it over for a bit while I was at dinner, but then when I came back ready to write the internet was dead.

So, Resonant Blue. Morning Musume’s 36th single and the namesake for this new blog. As I mentioned in the last post, I don’t think the song itself is all that impressive or special, but at the same time, it’s really catchy and I can’t stop it from getting stuck in my head all the time.
Here’s the problem: It’s dominated by Reina, Ai, and Koharu.
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Catching up

March 12, 2008

So this is my first post after moving my former blog, ~ lurking in the shadows ~ (on Blogger, here) to WordPress. I got the idea for it about a week ago, then like 7+ j-pop blogs got deleted from WP so I decided against it, but after Kawaiirrhea figured out what was causing the shutdowns (Pony Canyon downloads), I decided to just go ahead because I don’t have any Pony Canyon downloads on my blog (and as of now I don’t plan on ever having any). I like WordPress better than Blogger, so…
There’s also a new name. I kinda was getting tired of the old name, and since I’m moving this anyway, why not? xD Resonant Blue was the first thing that came to mind…named after Morning Musume’s upcoming single.

As my first post here, I should catch up with everything I’ve missed lately. I’m going to attempt to keep this blog up-to-date, update it much more, and write some posts that have some actual content besides just quick news posts. xD

(my g key’s broken, and while I’m copy-pasting the lowercase g it’s too much trouble to keep copy-pasting the uppercase and then having to go back to the lowercase…so that’s why I might have random fail moments in terms of capitalization)

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