The Imperial Presence Hyoutei CD announced!

September 1, 2008

タイトル:ミュージカル『テニスの王子様』The Imperial Presence 氷帝 feat.比嘉 青学4代目 vs.氷帝Aキャスト(仮)

Title: Musical “Tennis no Oujisama” The Imperial Presence Hyoutei feat. Higa – Seigaku 4th cast vs Hyoutei A cast (temporary title)
Release date: 2008.11.05 (Wednesday)
Code: NECA-30236
Price: 2800 yen
First press bonus: Cast stickers

It’s a temporary title? Aren’t the soundtracks usually the exact same title as the musical? Maybe it’s because of the 4th cast vs Hyoutei A cast thing. I’m wondering if they’re going to release more than one soundtrack- maybe one with 5th cast vs Hyoutei B cast? They are releasing three DVDs for it, after all. XD
I can’t wait to see this musical. GOLDEN PAIR SYNCHRO FTW! 8D As for the soundtrack, it comes out a bit before the DVD…I don’t want to hear the music until I see the actual musical. XD Well, whatever…

I think I have a new favorite pirate song.

August 19, 2008

I mean, until now it’s always been Morning Musume no Hyokkori Hyoutanjima, right? (Not that there are many j-pop pirate songs out there, but whatever.) And I absolutely LOVED the performance of it in Single Daizenshuu.
However, this amazing song has just totally pwned Hyokkori Hyoutanjima.

OH HIGA. *dies*
Oh Kai. How I love you so much. Even though you lost to Eiji. Actually no, if you beat Eiji I’d probably hate you, so I suppose it’s for the best.
My friend told me yesterday she doesn’t like Dream Lives. DUDE. Dream Lives are my FAVORITE, for the random scenes like this! xD Even if they have a crappy selection of songs (none of the songs in Dream Live 4th stood out to me at all originally, so I didn’t recognize any of them in the DL) there are always hilarious skits!
Although, I have to say, I wonder why they’re dressed up as pirates when the song is called Viking Horn, based off of Kai’s move. o_o Pirates =/= Vikings, right…?
This song also gets some love from me for being the first memorable song since Hyouteimyu! YAY! xD Legit, if I looked at the tracklists for Rokkakumyu or either Rikkaimyu, I wouldn’t be able to hum the tune for any of the songs, and Higamyu was going the same way until this song. xD (Well, I guess that’s an exaggeration, after listening to them a couple times I know a bunch of songs from those musicals, but none of them really stuck the first time through)
The original version in Higamyu was funny too, even though they weren’t dressed fully in pirate outfits, just their normal Higa outfits (with swords, flags, and Kai had a pirate hat!), but it was funny because it was so unexpected. o_o And Kite was sword-fighting with Eiji (who was using his racket of course) in the background lol. xD
Anyway, this song is catchy. Vi-vi-vi-vi-vi-vi-viking horn!

Catching up

March 12, 2008

So this is my first post after moving my former blog, ~ lurking in the shadows ~ (on Blogger, here) to WordPress. I got the idea for it about a week ago, then like 7+ j-pop blogs got deleted from WP so I decided against it, but after Kawaiirrhea figured out what was causing the shutdowns (Pony Canyon downloads), I decided to just go ahead because I don’t have any Pony Canyon downloads on my blog (and as of now I don’t plan on ever having any). I like WordPress better than Blogger, so…
There’s also a new name. I kinda was getting tired of the old name, and since I’m moving this anyway, why not? xD Resonant Blue was the first thing that came to mind…named after Morning Musume’s upcoming single.

As my first post here, I should catch up with everything I’ve missed lately. I’m going to attempt to keep this blog up-to-date, update it much more, and write some posts that have some actual content besides just quick news posts. xD

(my g key’s broken, and while I’m copy-pasting the lowercase g it’s too much trouble to keep copy-pasting the uppercase and then having to go back to the lowercase…so that’s why I might have random fail moments in terms of capitalization)

Read the rest of this entry »

[scans] Japanese fashion magazine (or something) KERA vol. 112 (Nov. 2007)

January 6, 2008

I went to Tokyo Kid yesterday with a $150 gift certificate, and along with some manga and candy, I picked up a Japanese magazine they were selling. Typically they don’t have any Japanese magazines, so I had no idea what this actually was, but Kamiki Aya was on the cover and there was a list of names on the right side of the cover which included Buono!- so I assumed it was a j-pop magazine and immediately bought it.
(Thinking back, if I had bothered to try and read the other stuff on the cover, I probably would have realized that this was like a fashion magazine instead. But then I probably would have bought it anyway because of Buono!, lol. xD)
So yeah, it’s a fashion magazine. It’s from November, I have no idea why it was still out there, but w/e. xD
I actually had a lot of fun looking through it even though I don’t really care about fashion and stuff. Some of it was kinda crazy and weird, like who the hell would ACTUALLY wear some of this stuff. =P
So anyway, I decided to go through and scan a couple of pages- just the ones with people that I’ve actually heard of, haha. xD Basically, that means Kamiki Aya (who’s on the cover), Buono!, and Shirota Yuu, who I didn’t even notice was in the magazine at first (I totally don’t know the kanji for his name so I didn’t see it on the cover or ToC) but then I was flipping through and he was just like THERE. xD

So, yeah, here are the scans. Sorry for the not-so-good quality of some of them. I seriously don’t know what’s up with my scanner.

…I used to totally dislike Shirota Yuu. I think it’s cause my very first introduction to Tenimyu (well, technically the live-action movie) was a picture of him playing Tezuka and of course I had the initial “EW IT LOOKS SO WEIRD IN LIVE-ACTION DDD:” reaction. And I still think he looks weird and nerdy as Tezuka. But after seeing pictures of him -not- playing Tezuka, he’s not that bad. xD

Upcoming releases

December 20, 2007

Ok, so there’s lots of stuff coming out either in the next two weeks or around the beginning of 2008, so…

Let’s start with Hello! Project:
-On January 16th, the duet between Abe Natsumi and Yajima Maimi, 16sai no Koi Nante, is being released. I just listened to a preview of it, and I don’t think it’s too bad. Probably not something that I’ll listen to a lot, but it’s not that bad either. And, btw, I don’t really know who Yajima Maimi is. I swear I’ve gone over the names and faces of the Kids like 5 times since I started this blog. I have a horrible memory, I guess. ;-;
-Buono!, the group formed with three H!P Kids that sung the opening and ending for the anime Shugo Chara!, is releasing their second single and their first album in February- the 6th and the 20th, respectively. I believe their second single, Renai Rider, is going to be the new ending theme for Shugo Chara!, it’s supposed to start airing soon so I’ll be able to check it out before the single comes out. xD As for their album, I really thought they weren’t going to be a permanent group, but I think an album usually signifies that they’ll be around for at least a little while longer.
-Ongaku Gatas also has their first album coming out, 1st GOODSAL, on February 6th. I loved both of their singles, so I’ll definitely have to order this one. I’m glad that they’re getting an album, hopefully this means that they’re a permanent group.
-Athena & Robikerottsu is releasing a second single on February 14th, Seishun LOVE Launch. I hope it’s as catchy as their first. xD I can’t wait for more Risa and Aika…and those two Kids that I can’t even remember their names. ;-; God I suck.
-According to (I haven’t seen anything about these anywhere else), C-ute and v-u-den are getting new singles on February 27th. Both are still untitled. I probably won’t end up buying either of these, sadly…;-; There’s too much stuff out there, and I have too little money…
-And Berryz Koubou is apparently releasing a new single called Jingisukan on March 12th.

And on the other side of my blog, the other fandom I love…upcoming Prince of Tennis releases:
-This Saturday, at Jump Festa, three new Prince of Tennis CDs are being released. The first two are for the Prince of Tennis Musical- two new Best Actor’s Series CDs, #9 and #10 in the series. 9 features Sanada and Yukimura. 10 is a special Extra Seigaku 3rd Cast Memorial CD- a memorial for the third cast of the Seigaku regulars, who graduated (I feel like I’m talking about Hello! Project now. =P) after this summer’s Absolute King Rikkai feat. Rokkaku ~Second Service~ musical. The fourth cast debuted in the Progressive Match Higa feat. Rikkai musical, which started 8 days ago on December 12th. (sadly, I have yet to see photosets of the new Seigaku cast. I really really really need to see what the new cast looks like in character!)
The third CD being released at Jump Festa 2008 is a new Megane’s single, their fourth. Originally it was just going to be called “Odorimasen ka?”, meaning something like “Won’t you dance?”, but apparently they had to keep the tradition of having “Megane’s” in the song title (their previous singles have been “Go Go Megane’s”, “Kira Kira Megane’s”, and “Manatsu no Megane’s”), so they renamed it “Odorimasen ka? Megane’s”. =P According to the description on the official page, it has something to do with the National Tournament Finals OVA (which, by the way, is the LAST OVA SERIES and therefore THE LAST WE’LL SEE OF PRINCE OF TENNIS T_____T unless the manga keeps going after the Nationals, but that’s pretty unlikely) and the amazing 100 song marathon that’s taking place early 2008. It also says that apparently this song is a high tempo SALSA song. Oh dear lord. @_@
Oh, and they released the cover for it too: here. Ohhh wow, PoT cosplay’s fun, but…@_____@ WHAT THE HELL
“Won’t you also dance with these three people?” @_@
-After those three, looks like there’s nothing else until February 14th (which is kinda strange cause there’s been so much released lately, what with the Best of Rival Players for Shitenhouji and random other character songs). On 02.14, Kai Yuujirou, Higa Chuu’s vice-captain (I think), is releasing his version of Valentine Kiss. It’s the 5th year of this tradition, and he’s the 6th person to sing it- so far we’ve had Atobe, Oshitari, Sanada, Shishido, and Ooishi.
-And of course, the massive rerelease thing on February 27th. @____@

-not music related, I know, but the 3rd and final volume of the Prince of Tennis National Tournament Semifinal OVA series is being released January 25th. After that, which wraps up the match against Shitenhouji (this DVD encompasses Tezuka vs Chitose in Doubles 1 (er…well Inui and Zaizen are there too, but they decided to just stand at the side so it’s basically a single match. hey, playing singles in a doubles match makes more sense than Eiji playing doubles in a singles match. =P), and Ryoma vs Touyama Kintarou in that one-point match since the official match didn’t make it to singles 1), the first volume of the National Tournament Finals OVA series is being released on March 16th. During the finals, Seigaku plays Rikkai for the second time, but this time for the National title rather than the Kantou Tournament title. I’m not sure what this DVD will have- the first DVD of both the original National Tournament OVA series and the Semifinal OVA series only had one episode, which was a prequel to the actual match. So maybe this DVD will have the special Yakiniku no Oujisama / Prince of BBQ story that was originally between the semifinals and the finals in the original manga? It was a 4 chapter thing that started off as a party for winning the semifinals but ended up as a 5-school yakiniku eating contest. =P (everyone lost, btw, and they set the yakiniku place on fire. xD) I hope we get to see it animated. It’s not really a prequel-thing like the other first episodes, but since Seigaku’s played Rikkai before, there was no introduction set of chapters or anything in the manga…unless they take the scenes of Rikkai vs that exchange student team (they were originally mixed in with the one-point match between Ryouma and Touyama) and make it into it’s own episode.

Broken headphones, connections, and a little bit of angst

November 26, 2007

pic 1
pic 2
Grr, my headphones finally totally broke this morning on the way to school. They were at least usable before, but now the left headphone doesn’t work at all and the outer part of it is like GONE…what a horrible time for my headphones to break, now I have to live with these all week until I go home for the weekend. My mom’s going to buy new headphones from the Apple Store, but yeah, I still won’t get them until the weekend.
I use my headphones so much during the week too- I can’t fully wake up in the morning unless I listen to my iPod from breakfast straight through until assembly, and since I have such weird music tastes (well, to the normal American world =P) that once I’m back in my dorm room I have to listen to my music with headphones rather than just using my computer speakers. This is definitely going to bug me all this week…

Connections: Well, I just had teh uber shocking discovery. I was listening to Ibu Shinji’s first character single from the Prince of Tennis anime, Can See the Light, and looked it up on Yesasia to add it to my cart cause it’s a great song, and then I noticed that Yesasia said that it was by Moriyama Eiji. Ok, I definitely recognized that name, so I went to look him up on Wikipedia, and I found out- he’s Momo’s first-cast actor in the Prince of Tennis musicals!
What the hell…? So then I redownloaded the full single (I lost it when my hard drive crashed a while ago, but the song was still on my iPod) to listen to the voice message, and sure enough, as soon as the seiyuu started talking I immediately recognized him as Momo. It’s so hard to tell though, when he’s actually voicing Shinji! I definitely would -never- make that connection…
Moriyama Eiji as Ibu Shinji in the Prince of Tennis anime – Can See The Light
Moriyama Eiji as Momoshiro Takeshi in the Prince of Tennis musicals – Ore wa Momo-chan ~ Seigaku no Abarenbou
Seiyuu Voice Message from Shinji’s CD- the first voice is Moriyama as himself (which is basically his voice for Momo) and then he has a ‘conversation’ or something with Shinji (aka, himself but with a different voice)…xD
Moriyama also plays Renji in the Bleach musicals, but I haven’t watched that yet. I seriously need to, cause NAGAYAN (aka the cutest Eiji actor ever) PLAYS HITSUGAYA ASASDFKAJESLRIJASDLKFJASDKLFJ

And last but not least, I’m having an angsty moment on the inside cause my Yesasia order with my precious 3 copies of Mikan hasn’t even shipped yet. It’s been almost a week since Mikan was released~! DDD:
And since I chose free shipping, it’ll be another week after it ships before it arrives at my house! And knowing my luck, it’ll end up arriving on like a Monday and then I’ll have to wait until the weekend before I actually get it. *sob*

Odorimasen ka?

November 24, 2007

Well, the Megane’s of Prince of Tennis have a new single…I could have sworn I read on some site that Manatsu no Megane’s was their last single, but obviously not considering they’re coming out with another one on December 22nd.
Because of the date, I thought it would be a Christmas/winter-themed single (I mean, come on, their last single, Manatsu no Megane’s, was uber summer themed…xD), but the title seems to indicate otherwise- ‘Odorimasen ka?’, or ‘Won’t you dance?’ (or something along those lines), according to Yesasia. Well, maybe it’ll turn out to be a winter single, but…well, we’ll see. xD
I was uber confused at first cause the 22nd is a Saturday- but then it said in the description image on Yesasia that it had something to do with this year’s Jump Festa, which takes place December 22nd-23rd. I think it’s coming out at the Jump Festa itself…
There are also two other CDs coming out on the 22nd- the two new Musical Tennis no Oujisama Best Actor’s Series. #9 is Sanada and Yukimura, while #10 is a special Seigaku 3rd Cast Memorial Edition- the third cast graduated in Absolute King Rikkai Second Service, which took place a couple of months ago. Which reminds me, Progressive Match Higa Chuu feat. Rikkai is premiering really soon…I can’t wait to see 4th cast. Let’s hope the new Golden Pair will handle the angstiest Golden Pair scene ever (Eiji vs Kai…) really well. <3

By the way, I wonder if I’m the only one that is reminded of Hello! Project a bit when it comes to Tenimyu actors? I mean, they both have people ‘graduating’ and constantly get new members…


September 16, 2007

ObsessedShinoFan (9:52:40 PM): sore ga ore no ikiteru~ atashi na no saaa~

ObsessedShinoFan (9:58:57 PM): lalalalalaalaTSUBUSU NO SAAAA

Lol, for the record I know half of these words aren’t right. I’ve only looked at the subs like once or twice. The rest is pretty much just by ear. xDDDD;
Lolz, this is a result of a long day and then opening up the first Prince of Tennis musical…


I’ll try to post something tomorrow, definitely about this week’s PoT chapter…this chapter DEFINITELY deserves a post.
Right now I’m exhausted though…